Monday, April 11, 2016

Favorite Logos

Favorite Logo
This is my favorite logo because its simple and represents the organization. It also has to the acronym of the organization so people know about it. I also like pandas and they represent the organization very well because they're very endangered.

Music Dog

Killed Productions

Monday, March 21, 2016

What's your stance? Blog Reflection

Do you believe your stance clear within your poster? Defend your answer- image, fonts, color, composition, etc. 
I believe that my stance is clear with my poster. I wanted to inform and spread awareness about puppy mills. I used images of dogs in puppy mills that are forced to the bred  and made that my background. Additionally, I included a bright yellow triangle in the middle, similar to a caution sign so this helped draw attention to my text that was inside the triangle. I put the triangle in the middle of the poster so its the center of focus. I also made the font bold so it draws attention to my message. 

From your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome?
I think I was more successful in recreating my poster idea digitally. The background especially was a lot more detailed.

What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? Explain why you made those changes?
In comparison tot he first one, my second version had a much more clearer focal point. Also, the words were more focused as will. I did that because I feel like I had too text in my first one and had problems with the focal point or establishing one. Furthermore, in the second on, I got rid of the door because it allowed to add more images of dogs in poppy mills. Also, I made lines leading into my triangle for the second one and that was not there in the first version. I made that change because I wanted there to be more focus on the triangle because that is my focal point.

Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Explain why. Which category do you feel the least confident? Explain why.
I feel most confident in the concept category of the project because I included a lot of sad and graphic images of what dogs in puppy mills have to go through daily. This really demonstrates that lives that puppy mill dogs have. Also, my text in the triangle represents my stance. 
I feel least confident in the design category of the project because I'm not sure if my font adds on to my message or makes a difference. I tried to show emphasis with the font but I'm not sure if it was effective. 

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually?
The most challenging aspect of this project was the picking a message part because there are a lot of ideas and its hard to choose one. 

What was most challenging about the project, technically?
The most challenging part was fitting on the images of the dogs together.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What's Your Stance? (Graphic Images)

1. Animal Testing
I think that animal testing is very cruel and should be illegal. Science has advanced us enough that we don't need to use animals to test on. I hate how the animals are treated and it sickens me that people are able to abuse animals when its not necessary.
Mouse-in-Lab.jpg (720×540)(from link above)
Britches-e1429137283467.jpg (720×487)

irritancy-testing-guineapigs.jpg (715×392)
2. Factory Farming
I think conditions for factory farming should be more heavily regulated and the living conditions of animals need to improve. It's not healthy and right to treat what we eat in such a disrespectful way. These animals should be treated more humanely as they are capable of feeling emotions and have done nothing wrong to deserve being treated inhumanely.
slide_341528_3523785_free.jpg (1200×900)(from link above)
factory-farm.jpg (352×271)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Self Symbol GIF

1. My self symbol is that this symbol represents how I really like warmth and hate anything that is cold or gives off a cold feeling like winter or mean people. I gravitate towards things or people that give off a warm feel like heaters or cozy sweaters. I arrived at this symbol by brainstorming ideas and I was sitting the radiator and it felt really good so I wrote the word, "warmth" on my brain storm list. I also thought about ways to show warmth and I thought about the sun because the sun gives off warmth. I also thought about Winter and how I did not like it. This image relates or enhances my concept in that the snow man represents coldness or winter in general. The Sun represents warmth or warmer seasons. At the end, the sun melts the snow which what I like; the warmth warming me from coldness.

3. My GIF had evolved from it's original through the use of photoshop. In the original, I did not plan on  making the snow man waive his arm. But, I decided to do that because it made my snow man look more animated or alive. It was also kind of cute. I also decided to create a sun rise with photoshop because in the original idea, the first frame did not have a sun and the sun kind of appeared out of nowhere. So, I decided to make a sun raise form the horizon. Furthermore, I made the horizon higher in the animated GIF (before the horizon was about 1 cm from the bottom of the GIF). I did that so less of my background would be white.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Portrait Transformation Project
                                                   Liberty Amy

Portrait Transformation Reflection: 
1. Explain you concept
My concept is the Statue of Liberty. My concept has a sense of liberty and freedom because I put a eagle in the background. I also put my face on the statue of liberty.
2. Give your project a title
Liberty Amy
3. Are you happy with the results?
I am happy with the results because I was able to use the spot removal tool to make more skin on my face look less flawed and look like it has less acne. Also, I like that I was able to remove stray strands of hair.
4. Post at least 3 photos




5. Give step by step instructions on how you did Layer Masks
In order to put my face on top of the Statue of Liberty's, I used a layer mask. So basically, after I placed the image of me on top of the Statue of Liberty's face, I clicked on the layer mask icon. I made sure that I was on the layer of my face. I then clicked on the layer mask layer. Then, I clicked on the brush tool and picked black as my color. I used the brush to conceal what I wanted to hide. I then used the white brush tool to go over parts that I felt were messy or were suppose to shown.