Letter Project Reflection
The first part of this project was getting assigned a letter and my letter was "A". At first, I thought of things that I enjoy or like. Such things include, cats, relaxing, trees, flowers and dogs. To make this, I then drew out some of my ideas into thumbnail sketches. I then shared my thumbnail sketches with another person and she labeled the ones that she liked most. However, I did not like the ones that she chose that much. So, I showed my thumbnail sketches to the people in my table and they chose the their favorites which happened to also be the ones that I liked most which were the snowman and the doughnut.
After the thumbnail sketches, I created two drafts- one of the snowman and one of the doughnut. After drawing these drafts, I had some extra times left and a new idea came to me which was palm trees which bent to create the letter "A". I then, asked my table members which idea they liked best and they voted on the palm tree and I agreed with them so I choose the palm tree one.
After the draft, I had to work on my final piece. To make my final, I had to create borders and to do that, I used a ruler. Then, I drew faint diagonal lines that connected the corners of the border to find my center. Once I got my center, I centered my letter around that; I drew two trees that leaned into each other to created the "A" shape. I then, drew a hammock in between the trees. I then drew a line which separated a sunset and the sand. Then, I drew a semi circle above the line which is the sunset. After this, I searched up reference images of a sunset so I was able to better understanding of how they looked like and how their gradation changed from yellow to orange. I colored the sky, sun and sand yellow at first with chalk and blended it with my finger. Then, I decided to add orange to the top of the sky, sun and sand. I then decided to add brown and more yellow to the sand and blended it with my finger. I then, colored in the tree's bark with different shades of brown and the leaves different shades of green. I used a marker to color the trees' branches. Then, I outlined my hammock with a black marker. Lastly, I erased the chalk on my borders and signed my name on the project.
To represent my concept, I drew two palm trees as palm trees usually represent or allude to relaxation and serenity. The palm trees also lean into each other which create a shade over the hammock which sees very relaxing and serene.
To represent my concept, I colored or made my sunset with warm colors-yellow and orange as they express warmth. This feeling of warmth is associated with comfort and bliss with adds to the concept of relaxation.
The most challenging aspect of this project was deciding which draft or thumbnail sketch I wanted to do for my final. This was the most challenging because I really liked my snow man idea and thought it was very cute. At the same time, I really liked the idea of relaxation and palm trees. I also feel like there was pressure not to mess up because I will regret my choice.
I am satisfied with my project because I like how the sunset provides warmth and I can sort of picture my self there in my picture. I want to be there because it seems relaxing. I also like how the the sky has a gradation of yellow to orange. Furthermore, I like how the leaves of the palm tree look very lush.
If I could change anything about my design, I would not use a marker to color in the branch of my palm tree because that made my branch have less depth and look unrealistic. I would also put tape on the borders so that the chalk does not go on the borders.